Michael Roberts has an insatiable hunger for… story: whether comic book or novel, play or movie, he can’t get enough. Michael is thrilled to have a comic book project completed with such a talented artist. Michael’s random thoughts and creative tinkerings can be found at his blog http://mwr.me. If you’re into the social media stuff, he is at http://facebook.com/
Ryan Morris draws really weird pictures. He has always wanted to draw a comic book, but his superheroes always looked a little odd. Putting away the thought of a "superhero" comic book, Ryan came up with the idea to write a horror comic that did not involve superheroes. That could have something to do with his fascination with Mike Mignola and Frank Peretti. Even though he wrote the plot, there is no way this story could have been as good as it is without an amazing writer.
Michael and Ryan have tried numerous times to do a book, but could never hold their interest long enough to complete one...until now. The two also have a story called "Sir Rick the Homeless"; a short story the two completed in mid 2010. A rough draft of "The Hidden" #2 is in the works as this is being typed. Until then, enjoy crazy stories from Michael and more weird pictures from Ryan at